Project Description

09: Interview with Maria Steuer
Do you want to know how your upbringing could affect the way you parent?
Today I’m most delighted to interview Maria Steuer, who is a childhood expert, a renowned pediatrician and family therapist based in Germany, and the author of the book, Your Childhood Holds The Key: How to Improve Parenting Skills. Maria has experienced the ups and downs of raising three of her own children. And as a doctor for Germany’s education system, she has advised more than 20,000 parents on childhood behavior issues.
Join me as Maria shares with us how our childhood upbringing determines how we parent our own children and how we can use that knowledge to our advantage.
Listen To The Full Episode Below
Don’t Miss These Episodes Highlights
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- How did Maria first realize that some of her trigger points were related to her own childhood and not caused by her child’s behavior? [02:01]
- How does Maria suggest parents should approach helping their children? [04:39]
- A big part to best understanding this connection between our childhood experiences and our current parenting skills is to better understand ourselves, how can we become more aware of our triggers and what do we need to evaluate our behaviors? [08:32]
- How does Maria believe moms change their belief system, their inner critic and self-doubts?? [16:46]
- What advice would Maria give to moms who want to live it all? [22:37]
Maria’s Advice for Moms Who Want to Live It All
- Love Yourself! Tell yourself that you did a big thing when you had a baby and decided to spend the rest of your life with this human being. Remind yourself that no one feels that they are good enough, that feeling is normal.
Are you hiding in what’s comfortable …
Want to learn proven tools to remove the daily power struggles with your child?
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More about LIVE IT ALL MOMMY Podcast
Pia Dögl created the LIVE IT ALL MOMMY podcast, with you and your challenges, desires and doubts as a new mom and working woman in mind. With interviews, mindful parenting tools, self-care snippets and behind-the-scene secrets from amazing moms around the globe – each episode can help you carve out your own path in order to find more purpose, fulfillment and balance in parenthood, as a powerful soul, and courageous woman. The LIVE IT ALL MOMMY podcast will give you the roadmap you need to unbundle traditional roles, misconceptions and self-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. It’s time to put your needs first, so your child and YOURSELF can feel more calm, confident & connected.
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