The new way to approach motherhood
Lectures to help you plant the seeds of trust, self-confidence and resilience.
With Pia Dögl, International Keynote Speaker, Certified Parent Coach, Educator, Hypnotherapist, Author & Founder of Beginning Well®

Parenting Expert Pia Dögl speaks in-person & virtual at conferences, companies, schools, & parent education and expert groups across the world.
Having helped thousands of parents bringing compassion & peace into their homes, Pia knows how to guide families and professionals in a simple yet profound way towards a fulfilling family life.
Pia gives parents hands-on tools they can use today to help kids unfold their independence, foster their cooperation, as well as nurturing their capacity to self-regulate emotions. Unlike other approaches which remind you of your failings as a parent, Pia reminds parents with compassion, inspiration, and practical solutions, of their own deep wisdom and amazing talents.
Whether your event is live or virtual, Pia will leave you feeling calmer, and more present to the joy in family life, with more mindfulness and a renewed appreciation for your own precious being and a trustful relationship with the child or children you care for.
“Thank you so much for giving such a warm and beautiful talk at our Conference yesterday. This was greatly appreciated by the participants and we have already had fantastic feedback. We are very grateful for giving up your time but also for the real connection between you and the audience despite the medium of Zoom.” Sam Greshoff, Pikler UK Association Committee

Some Recent Speaking Events & Workshops:
- Keynote Speech at the Global Early Childhood Conference, Shanghai, China
Topic: How can we nurture traumatized babies & toddlers in a residential facility? Pia’s experiences as the co-founder of a temporary home for neglected babies and toddlers based on the Waldorf & Pikler principles - Lecture at the Future of Childhood Event, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
Topic: How to shape our empathetic awareness for children’s healthy development in the Media Age - Keynote Speech at the Global Early Childhood Conference in Beijing, China
Topic: Why creativity is more important than ever for our children - Keynote Speech at the Pikler UK Annual Conference
Topic: Our empathy shapes the future – How can we be more empathetic with ourselves and the child we care for? - Keynote Speech at the Global Early Childhood Conference in Beijing, China
Topic: Build a trusting relationship with children from the very beginning –
rooted in empathetic awareness - Lecture at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference, USA. Topic: How our Mindset Affects Children’s Healthy Development: Planting seeds of trust, self-confidence & resilience.
- Speech at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Early Childhood Conference, USA. Topic: How our Mindset Affects Children’s Healthy Development: Planting seeds of trust, self-confidence & resilience.
- 2 day Workshop at the Waldorf Institute of Southern California. Topic: The Key to Empathy for ourselves and our little ones
- Workshop at the first WECAN (Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America) Birth to Three Conference. Topic: How to be empathetic from the very beginning.
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