As your coach I know that it isn’t my work that creates the outcome in your life. It is your own! You are your own transformer, you keep the wisdom and key to your fulfilling life. 

BUT I am your guide to help you find your best self and what you meant to be doing as a career in just a few weeks. I am there for you to help draw out your hopes, desires, and dreams for your life and guide you through a process of moving toward them. During our 1:1 sessions, we will look at what progress you have made, discuss new learnings, challenges, evaluate circumstances, and goals and design forward-moving and most importantly realistic action steps between sessions. 

You will have full email-access to me if you need to connect between calls or need any empowerment or clarification. I am here to support and encourage you and your process so that at the end you walk away with a clear plan and first implementation steps towards a fulfilling work and family life.